Salvatore ADAMO


The passion for music and a vocal quality tinged with emotions have made Salvatore ADAMO (01/november/1943) one of the most successful songwriters in Europe and in the world. Shy and gentle boy, begins the road to success in a competition organized by Luxembourg radio, presents the song "Si J'osais" with which he made his radio debut on February 14, 1960, subsequently winning the final in Paris . His first success was "Sans Toi, Ma Mie" 1963. The debut album - ADAMO '63 / '64 - with "Tombe la neige" and "Vous permettez, Monsieur?" makes him a world celebrity, he gets the consecration on January 12, 1965 in the "Temple" of French music, Olympia, the success is such that other concerts are organized for the month of September, for a total of one month ! A triumph, which confirms his talent as an author, composer and performer, proving to be a complete "Chansonnier" (The live album "Olympia 65" will exceed one million six hundred thousand copies).

Salvatore Adamo, the first of seven brothers, emigrated to Ghlin and then to Jemappes (Mons) from the city of Comiso (Sicily) in 1947 with his parents Antonio Adamo and Concetta Girlando at the age of three. As a model student he concentrated on academic and musical studies, this allowed him to avoid the coal industry (marcinelle) in which his father worked for thirteen years together with many Italian immigrants, then Father Antonio became his first supporter and "manager ". Salvatore Adamo is a French-speaking singer-songwriter, who has dual Italian and Belgian nationality (since 2019), resides in Uccle, near Brussels (Belgium), with his wife Nicole Durand, has three children: Antony, Amèlie and Benjamin.

Adamo was inspired by the verses of Victor Hugo, Jacques Prèvert and the music of Georges Brassens, Jacques Brel,
Charles Aznavour, Neapolitan songs, Tango and Everly Brothers, Sam Cooke, Adam Faith… and his inspiration. The passion for music and artistic qualities have made him one of the biggest stars in the musical world in French. Francophone culture and beyond has conferred multiple honors on this genius artist. We must not forget the "medals" that Jacques Brel dedicated to him: You are a tendre jardinier d'amour, Salvatore ... . Charles Trenet: Adamo à prouvé that the jeunesse peut avoir la sensité, la nuance et la force. Il ne sera jamais chassé du paradis des talents. Raymond Devos: «Adamo ... It's song, it's poem, it's vibration!

Salvatore Adamo In these first songs, with lyrics of a poetry that combines the best French cultural tradition with the Sicilian imagination and with a rational use of rhymes and assonances, you find the good and simple feelings of that wasted time, tenderness and melancholy of a sad Pierrot, while in other songs humor is intertwined with irony. Its unmistakable, husky and velvety voice acts as a link to the musical and textual evolution of the later songs of the seventies, while still within the same romantic genre, the arrangements become more elaborate, while the lyrics reflect introspections and meditations more complex, and are enriched with metaphors and allegories, now singing love with new perspectives, and denouncing, in the name of freedom and high ideals, violence and injustice.

Adamo reached its greatest notoriety and commercial boom in the sixties and seventies, precisely in the decade of social unrest and contention. He imposes his timeless music, passing through Europe, South and North America, the Middle East, Africa, Asia to reach Japan (where he made 39 tours and more than five hundred concerts there). It has been at the top of the (Hit Parades) in more than fifty countries, the song "Tombe la neige" ("Youki wa furu") in addition to being in first place for 72 weeks in Japan, there are more than nine hundred versions in around the world, of which five hundred alone in the Land of the Rising Sun. The same was ranked by the Russians in second place among the most beautiful songs of all time. Countless of his compositions have become "landmarks" in the world of pop music. It is almost impossible to keep track of the Gold and Platinum Records won in his career. During the 60s, more precisely from '64 to the early 70s, he was one of the few artists who managed to compete hand in hand with the Beatles, in 1966 he became the number one singer in the sale of records in Europe and the second in the world behind the Beatles, in France he won the midem trophy for three consecutive years, (Awards) even today his CDs are printed in 22 countries.
During his career he has composed more than five hundred songs (words and music) in French, of which he has sung more than one hundred in German and Spanish, more than ninety in Italian, some sixty between Japanese, English and Dutch, some in Portuguese. and Turkish one also in Korean. Published 25 studio albums (France only) and sold more than 130 million records, won twenty-seven gold records (those with more than 1 million records each) thus entering by law in the register of the best singers of all time. In 2017 he received the Grand Prix SACEM (Society of publishers) in Paris as one of the largest record sellers in the world. The heart problems he had in 1984 kept him away from tours and concerts, but did not affect his vein, he continued writing and recording albums (4). In 1999 he regained the stage on the international scene taking advantage of the new CD Album Studio "Regards".

Salvatore Adamo, a Mediterranean artist endowed with a particular magic, which makes him the author of texts that cover the most diverse musical genres, bringing together a large audience, not only international but also generational, with his poetry, and this thanks to his ductility and talent After a long career marked by triumphant tours in all corners of the world (in 1972 he was the first European singer to perform in the USSR, in front of 50,000 people), he remains a deeply human and highly intelligent person. In fact, he rejects the life of the entertainment world, does not want to interpret "False appearances" and prefers to objectively judge certain aspects of worldliness. More concerned than the committed composer, he wishes to keep in tune with the world around him, while maintaining his lucidity. He defends respect for others and does not like to humble himself to live decently, in fact, his texts reflect this aspect of things, with a universal message for "This world that has evil", where poverty, thirst for power, human stupidity and lack of communication, betray the lack of love. For him, "The future does not exist", because faith in the future remains in our hands. ADAMO, a complete artist, composer, musician, poet, writer, has successfully published poetry books and novels, on the other hand, can describe our time even on canvas. As an actor, he starred in some films for French cinema, with actors such as Bourvil, and also compiled several cameos for film and television. Numerous of his compositions are part of movie soundtracks from around the world.

Adamo has been UNICEF Ambassador since 1993, he has been struggling to solve problems and help those who suffer, personally going to the people who suffer. Supporting them in a concrete way (Vietnam '79, Kosovo '99, Afghanistan and Pakistan '01, Afghanistan '05), participates in media events (Africa, India, Bosnia, Lebanon...) to raise awareness about world public opinion.

Salvatore Adamo makes us live his inspiration made of love, sensitivity, insightful irony, commitment social and human before an audie Attentive and its poetic streak, it successfully crosses the world stages, from the great cities of South America to the countries of Eastern Europe, to Québec (Canada), to Olympia de Paris, to Palau de Barcelona, ​​Berlin Philarmonie, Carnegie Hall in New York, Budo Kahn Hall in Tokyo, Athens Olympic Stadium, Hong Kong, Seoul, Istanbul, Moscow in the great "Red Room" of the Kremlin, at the Opera House in Cairo, in the Roman amphitheater of Carthage in Tunisia, etc. etc.

Adamo is one of the few composers in the world, with a truly international career (He has performed in more than fifty countries around the world - He speaks French, German, English, Spanish, Italian and Dutch correctly) still very famous and appreciated in Francophone, Hispanic countries in Russia, Germany, Japan ... and, in spite of its great notoriety, of a disarming simplicity. Adamo threads some performances in which he shows a sense of humor and some "entertainer" skills that turn his shows into much more than a succession of classical songs. The high quality of the refined poetic and musical flourishing of this excellent artist from the Italian-Belgian culture leads him to the highest recognition of a man of genius.

Salvatore Adamo, seduced by modern music, wears the waterproof suit to adapt the new sounds to his personality, with a continuous evolution of his songs, moving from love verses to texts that remind us of *the miseries of our days:
Sans Toi, Ma Mie
Tombe la neige Vous permetter Monsieur? Viens ma brune En blue jeans et blouson d’cuir Quand les roses Car je veux Dolce Paola • Les filles du bord de mer Elle etait belle pourtant Le barbu sans barbe La nuit *En bandoulière Ton nom *On se bat toujours quelque part Comme toujours Mes mains sur tes hanches Elle J'aime Une meche de cheveux *Inch'Allah Notre roman Accroche une larme aux nuages *Noel sur les milandes (dedicated to Josephine Baker) *Pauvre Verlaine L'amour te ressemble  *Le pendu F comme femme *Enfant, mon ami A demain sur la lune Le ruisseau de mon enfance Petit bonheur • *Marlene (dedicated to Marlene Dietrich) Mon cinema Et Après Va Mon Bateau *Que voulez vous que je vous chante ? Et toublier J'avais oublié que les roses sont roses *Manuel C'est ma vie *Le temps dans une bouteille (dedicated to Jim Croce) Si tu etais *Tout le long du mekong-À des enfants soldats Marie la mer *Vladimir (dedicated to Vladimir Vysotsky) Je te dois *Quand la liberté s'envole Ma liberté, mon infidèle Plus tard Collines de Rabiah Plus fort que le temps Vincent (dedicated to Vincent Van Gogh) Anima *Mourir dans tes bras (Also dedicated to Jan Palach) Maintenant ou jamais *De l'autre cote du pont Ceux qui s'aiment *Enfants *Laissez rèver les enfants La vie comme elle passe: with Toots Thielemans Jours de lumière, duo whit: Christophe Sortir de l'ordinaire *La pauvreté *Le monde a mal J'te lâche plus *Sans domicile Zanzibar  Tant d'amour qui se perd, duo whit: Maurane • Ce George, duo whit: Olivia Ruiz Au cafè du temps perdu T'aimer quelque part, duo whit: Amélie Adamo Je vous parle d'un ami (dedicated to his friend Fredo) Lola & Bruno *Alan et la pomme (dedicated to Alan Turing) *Chantez  Porquoi tu chantes, (dedicated to M. Callas) duo whit: Julie Fuchs Juste un Je t'aime, duo whit: Camille *Un reve (dedicated to J.Lennon, M.L.King, N.Mandela) Si vous saviez *Migrants J'dis pas qu'je t'aime, duo whit: Jane Birkin. ...

© Davide Costa



 Honors of Chevalier Salvatore ADAMO

- 3 trophées Miden (Awards) France: 1965 – 1966 – 1967 | From '64 to the early 70s, he was one of the few artists who managed to compete hand in hand with the Beatles. (1966 first record seller in Europe and second in the world behind Liverpool's four)

- 27 Gold records (Those with a million records each)

- More than 130 million records sold

- Sang in over 50 nations

- Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres (Paris-France - 1987)

- Croix de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Bruxelles-Belgique - 1991)

- Ambassadeur de l'UNICEF pour la Belgique - (1993)

- Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Couronne (Bruxelles-Belgique - 2001)

- Légion d'Honneur - Officier de la Légion d'Honneur (Paris-France - 2005)

- Commendatore dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia (Roma-Italia - 2010)

- Grands Prix Internationaux de Poésie Francophone (Toulouse-France - 2010)

- Les Victoires de la Musique (Awards) (Paris-France - 2014)

- Les Octaves de la Musique (Awards) (Liége-Belgique - 2014)

- Docteur Honoris Causa (Mons-Belgique - 2014)

- The Order of the Rising Sun (Japan - 2016)

- Grand Prix Sacem (Paris-France - 2017)

- Prix d' Honneur - D6bels Music Awards (Liége-Belgique – 2018)

- Premio "Tenco" (SanRemo-Italia – 2018)

- Honorary Citizenships: Paris (France) Montreal (Canada) Mons (Belgique) Comiso (Italia)...

[ Those presented are just a few Salvatore ADAMO - Honneurs - Récompenses - Prix... ]



WebSite: S
alvatore ADAMO "in Italiano" by Davide Costa © 1999-2025